A monster appears!

20 06 2012

Hello once again, this post is just to share a little video displaying an animated monster (in this case, a jelly) and a sword being spawned that does nothing.

Now, in the video the collision detection may look like the hero is hitting thin air – he is at the moment but that is something I have declared wrong so don’t worry about it because this will, of course, be fixed.

Hope you enjoyed the video, hopefully a new one will appear soon.

Ben (Programmer)

Basic Collision Detection

16 06 2012

Hey guys, just a very quick and basic video displaying some quick cool but simple collision detection in Phor.

More videos coming soon!

Very basic movement

11 06 2012

Hello again people.

Here is just a quick post about a basic movement in Phor, this movement in the video below is just a test. The movement for the game will be a lot different.

Video link

More videos will be uploaded soon 🙂